

I am back to writing again. 

It's been more than 3 years when I graduated College and it feels like yesterday. 

We've been very busy, typical for young professionals.

I am glad that most of us actually used our chosen profession - to teach and inspire people.

Yes, it's more than 3 years now and I still have not practiced what I am schooled for.

It's a painful reality.

I am not too sure if I will be going to that path soon - - 

But I am sure that I am happy with what I am working right now.

If you only knew, how hardworking I am...

I start working around 9 AM (Ph time) and ends around 3 AM (Ph time).

It has been like that for more than a month now and I am surely is enjoying it.

I like to keep myself busy...

Why? Because I am still young and I have one ultimate goal - - TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL.

So this blog is something about my life. 

I will be posting things which I find interesting.

It will include the food we usually eat, the things we do, and the places we've been to.